Interns Come And Go But Compadres Are Forever
Interns Come And Go But Compadres Are Forever

Van Nguyen
Design & Animation Intern

1. What did you enjoy most about your internship experience at Compadre?
I enjoyed working on all the different type of projects I would not have gotten the chance to outside of Compadre. I also enjoyed being able to explore different aesthetics.
2. What was your favorite project that you worked on, and how did you contribute?
I liked working on CTSO every week. It allowed me to try different graphic looks that I normally wouldn’t have the time or chance to learn.
3. What was the most important or helpful thing you learned during your internship?
I learned how to focus on a project quickly as well as learning how to balance different projects at the same time.
4. If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?
Time management is your best friend. It’s also important to explore aesthetics outside of your comfort zone.
5. If you had to capture your internship experience in a single GIF, what would it be?

Tiffany Chen
Design & Animation Intern
1. What did you enjoy most about your internship experience at Compadre?
Making friends and meeting amazing people who were all incredible at what they do.
2. What was your favorite project that you worked on, and how did you contribute?
Our summer intern project because we all worked together to create the hoodies and zip ups while juggling other projects. I was able to help design and animate the icons for the back of our hoodie.
3. What was the most important or helpful thing you learned during your internship?
Shift+control+command+4 = save your screenshot to your clipboard
4. If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make friends! Everyone is willing to help you learn and is very kind.
5. If you had to capture your internship experience in a single GIF, what would it be?

Eva Liebovitz
Design & Animation Intern
1. What did you enjoy most about your internship experience at Compadre?
I enjoyed my fellow interns the most. We all grew so much from day one, and it's an amazing feeling to know I have colleagues in this industry who I trust and admire.
2. What was your favorite project that you worked on, and how did you contribute?
My favorite project was definitely the proposal/pitch for MTV Behind the Music interstitials. I watched Behind the Music on VH1 growing up and it was really exciting to work with a brand identity I was already familiar with-- and I was kind of star struck thinking that something I designed might become part of such a culturally significant series.
3. What was the most important or helpful thing you learned during your internship?
I learned that follow-through on details is really important-- not only making sure you complete your work on time, but organizing your files, labeling them properly, and communicating with the team to make sure expectations were met. You can't just sign off as soon as you export the file.
4. If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?
Don't worry if you feel super overwhelmed the first couple of weeks-- it doesn't mean anything about your capabilities or level of talent. You are meant to be here; you will get used to the pace and you will learn to manage your time soon enough.
5. If you had to capture your internship experience in a single GIF, what would it be?

Madison Hsieh
Biz Dev & Marketing Intern

1. What did you enjoy most about your internship experience at Compadre?
The best part about working at Compadre is the atmosphere of fun and hard-working people who allowed me to take full advantage of this internship. This includes Bella the pug, who was also fun and VERY hard-working.
2. What was your favorite project that you worked on, and how did you contribute?
I loved taking part in the re-branding of the works and news sections of the Compadre website because I got to work hands-on with multiple divisions at the company and see how my contributions were cemented into the digital space.
3. What was the most important or helpful thing you learned during your internship?
In Robert’s words, “pre-emptive thinking is key”. One of the most gratifying parts of this experience was seeing how my research and predictions of brand behavior actually happened within companies. I felt like an industry spy and it’s important to get into that mindset to truly get an understanding of companies and how you can add value to them.
4. If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions. Everyone is there to help each other and getting to know everyone at Compadre is one of the best parts of the internship, they are an amazing group of people!
5. If you had to capture your internship experience in a single GIF, what would it be?

Mai Li Spencer
Writing & Strategy Intern

1. What did you enjoy most about your internship experience at Compadre?
Working with all the crazy talent. It's a lot of fun being surrounded by so many creative people every day.
2. What was your favorite project that you worked on, and how did you contribute?
Working on NFL Game Pass was my favorite project because it required me to empathize with a demographic I am very unfamiliar with.
3. What was the most important or helpful thing you learned during your internship?
The idea that makes you laugh is probably the best idea.
4. If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?
Don't be afraid to pitch your crazy ideas that you think are too 'out there'. People at Compadre appreciate those wacky concepts the most.
5. If you had to capture your internship experience in a single GIF, what would it be?

Mirabelle Pashkow
Production Intern

1. What did you enjoy most about your internship experience at Compadre?
I enjoyed learning more about the ins and outs of marketing and making connections with people professionally.
2. What was your favorite project that you worked on, and how did you contribute?
My favorite project to work on was definitely the intern project. I had so much fun helping to orchestrate a project. I also enjoyed working on Cartoonito and seeing both sides of the project, the client's and the Compadre side.
3. What was the most important or helpful thing you learned during your internship?
4. If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?
Make sure to be proactive and engage in conversations with everyone, even if you don't work with them directly.
5. If you had to capture your internship experience in a single GIF, what would it be?

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