New Hires: Meet Felipe & Joey
New Hires: Meet Felipe & Joey

Creative marketing agency Compadre welcomes fresh faces Felipe Picazo (Jr. Graphic Designer) and Joey Livingston (Jr. Writer) to their robust team in Culver City.
Picazo will be responsible for graphic design, social media design, branding, and logo design while Livingston concentrates on creative writing for marketing campaigns, strategic writing for brand positioning, and establishing the agency’s brand voice.
Livingston worked as the Head of Content at The LeadSports before going on to Mashable where he contributed on multiple major branded content campaigns. In addition, he brags about his Best Actor award from the 2015 Miami Web Fest and is our very own office botanist. “I’m looking forward to helping Compadre grow and become a force in the field while soaking up as much information as possible. In other words, I plan on being a sponge not named Bob with regularly shaped pants,” says Livingston. Joey supports and directly reports to the Director of Creative Strategy.
Picazo has designed logos and established brand identities for Cannatonic, Namaste Yoga by Kartini, Sunshine Coffee + Tea and other Los Angeles based start ups. To get his creative energy flowing, Felipe loves to listen to Mozart, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Fleetwood Mac. “I am most excited about the potential of this company as well as the development and growth of myself alongside the development and growth of Compadre” says Picazo. Felipe supports and works under the Creative Director.
Picazo and Livingston will be working closely together to develop branded campaigns for Compadre.
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