Compadre’s COVID safety procedures.
Compadre’s COVID safety procedures.

As the industry adjusts to the new normal in the era of COVID-19, Compadre has laid out live-action shoot guidelines to ensure productions are planned responsibly, and that all parties involved remain safe—in front of the camera, and behind it.
The following guidelines are a mix of what the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP) have laid out, Compadre best-practices, as well as guidelines that other experts in the production industry have put forward.
Leave (Almost) No Wiggle Room
We typically like to plan productions to have some creative leeway for unexpected moments and situations. And we can still do that to an extent, but gone are the days of picking up the camera on a whim and trying out a new, unplanned location. It’s important to over-plan every logistic and deliverable—from (more in-depth) storyboards to equipment loading, set-up, and unloading procedures. The goal is to reduce production surprises and increase efficiency as much as possible.
Microphone Health Check One-Two One-Two
Before anyone gets close to a set, it’s important that all crew and talent fill out a health questionnaire and get their temperature taken; anyone who has a fever, feels sick, or is experiencing respiratory problems will not be allowed on-set.
Masks Required For All Crew
Once on-set, all crew is required to wear masks at all times. They are also asked to be vigilant when it comes to observing respiratory etiquette; cover those coughs and sneezes people, even if you have a mask on.
Keep It Clean
All on-set personnel is required to frequently and thoroughly wash their hands, using disposable tissues to discard after each use. If soap and water aren’t immediately available, personnel have access to hand cleanser with at least 60% alcohol.
Stay Distant
Physically, not emotionally. When on-set, all personnel must maintain no less than 6-feet of distance whenever possible. 6-foot distance markings will be made on the floor in any environment that requires people to form a line.
Let’s Get Physical Digital
All correspondence should be digital: pre-production notes, scripts, storyboards, maps, and timecards should be paperless. If pens need to be used, they will be provided and individuals who use them will be told to keep them.
One (Department) at a Time, Please
If a production requires multiple departments to be on-set, specific areas will be limited to one department at a time. Each department will be deemed “essential personnel” when it is their turn; they will then step-in and step-out before the next department enters.
Beam That Footage Up
Mobile transmitters will be used to send high-quality live video to remote locations. The goal is to keep the number of people on-set as low as possible; the only people who should be on-location are talent and crew essential to the physical production of the shoot.
Protect Your Person
On-set personnel should utilize appropriate PPE, including gloves, goggles, face shields, masks that cover the nose and mouth, and finger cots. It’s important to ensure PPE is properly worn and regularly inspected, maintained, and replaced. It should also be properly removed, cleaned, and stored or disposed of to avoid contamination.
Wipe It Down
We will be assigning one person to handle routine cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and equipment. This individual will be responsible for constant wipe-downs of surfaces, and will never mix chemicals. The entire crew, however, should also maintain regular housekeeping practices.
Bye-Bye Buffets
All meals and snacks will be provided individually; personnel are also welcome to bring their own meals. The eating area will be set up for everyone to maintain a proper social distance to eat comfortably and safely. Sorry, but there’s no more handfuls of nuts or M&Ms from crafty
Sharing Is Not Caring
On-set personnel should not use other peoples’ phones, walkie-talkies, or other personal work tools.
The above guidelines are built to ensure our shoots and productions are safe for all involved, but let’s be honest, a lot of this is common sense. That said, there is a longer, more detailed list of guidelines available by department if requested. And lastly, if you have a new idea or innovation, we’re all ears! We can all help each other remain safe and healthy as we move forward and create beautiful content together.
Stay in touch with your compadres