Compadre Brew Co: Brewed In-Office, Branded By Spring ’21 Interns
Compadre Brew Co: Brewed In-Office, Branded By Spring ’21 Interns

You Want Us to What?
From our quirky copy to our bold designs, we interns had impressed Compadre enough with our creative marketing chops. Wanting to kick it up a notch, the powers that be gave us an interesting task: create...a beer.

Chuggin’ Along
After conducting a thorough competitive landscape study, sending out an internal survey, and Googling “What even are hops?”, we had some ideas a’brewin’ and were ready to make our beer come to life.

The Sun’ll Come Out...Eventually
Wanting to highlight the playful, upbeat vibes of Compadre and its LA roots, we landed on a sun-centered theme, and after countless name (and style) ideas, Rays For Days IPA is what shone through! When designing the label, we captured the iconic elements of southern California by contrasting Compadre’s orange and white color palette with realistic blue and purple LA-inspired imagery.

Cheers to the End
Then came the most impressive part of this feat: actually making the damn thing. After five weeks of pretending they were the Wright Brothers of fermentation, two of our very own Compadres successfully brewed and bottled the inaugural batch of Rays For Days IPA. The only thing left to do was drink it, which we did the only way this crew knows how: at the office in the middle of the workday.

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