Welcoming Our Spring Interns: Fresh Talent, Bright Futures!

Alex Cho What inspired you to pursue a career in design/animation? Since I grew up watching a lot of animation, I naturally gravitated toward making something move. The more I learned about design and animation, the more I loved how simple ideas could turn into something expressive and tell the story more effectively. That’s what…

Welcoming Our Spring Interns: Fresh Talent, Bright Futures!

Alex Cho

What inspired you to pursue a career in design/animation?

Since I grew up watching a lot of animation, I naturally gravitated toward making something move. The more I learned about design and animation, the more I loved how simple ideas could turn into something expressive and tell the story more effectively. That’s what inspired me to pursue motion design as a career.

If you could design/animate a character from any universe, who would it be and why?

This is kind of embarrassing, but I would say Black Magician from Yu Gi Oh. I used to really enjoy collecting Yu Gi Oh cards when I was little. It’s just something very nostalgic to me.

What’s your go-to snack while working on projects?

I’m not really a snack person. But the only snack I have on my desk right now is Polvoron.

Who are some of your biggest creative influences?

There are so many creative people I admire that I couldn’t even begin to count. But more than anyone, my fellow motion designer friends inspire me to keep growing. 

If you had to describe your design/animation style in three words, what would they be?

I want my work to be seen as “Surreal, unpredictable, captivating.”

What do you look forward to most during your internship at Compadre?

I look forward to improving my motion graphics skills as well as making some good connections with creative people in the industry and learning from them.

Ray Chen

What inspired you to pursue a career in design/ animation?

Love! I really love it! I find it’s super fun, so fun that I don’t care if I’m the best but want to keep going.

If you could design/animate a character from any universe, who would it be and why?

Singer Aurora, I’m a big fan of hers, I love her so much that I hope I can make a music video for her.

What’s your go-to snack while working on projects?

Bubble tea, matcha ice cream

Who are some of your biggest creative influences?

Movies (recently Her(2013)), novels (e.g., The Quest of Iranon), DND, dynamics of relationships and emotions—whether between humans, nature or AI.

If you had to describe your design/animation style in three words, what would they be?

Dreamy, fluid, bold

What do you look forward to most during your internship at Compadre?

Working on client projects and getting feedback!

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