NBC Peacock – Black Friday

Black Friday: Home Edition
What’s better than getting all your favorite shows and movies on Peacock? Getting all your favorites for only $1.99/month! As Peacock prepared for their big Black Friday deal, they came to us to create various spots and ads to get the word out on this limited-time offer. For this project, we wrote and edited two spots and different countdowns and concepted and executed two billboard posters, one for West Hollywood and the other for Lincoln Tunnel in NYC.

Emphasis On The 1.99
As we were scripting, we began to think of an idea: what if we had characters from shows and movies, say 1.99. And while that idea did seem crazy, it was not impossible. So, our first concept, we begin with a voice-over of someone ready to announce the Peacock Black Friday deal, but every time the voice-over tried to say 1.99, they were cut off by a character.

A Chaotic Holiday
Our second concept came from the idea that Thanksgiving is probably one of the most stressful holidays. All the preparation and cooking can really wear someone down, but Peacock can come in to help during this holiday season. Using the iconic clip of Dorinda Medley from The Real Housewives of New York City, this spot focused on getting a well-deserved break this Thanksgiving.
Spotted in WEHO & NYC
Part of the project included us designing billboard posters that would be placed in West Hollywood and New York City. In West Hollywood, these posters showed up at bus stops to grab the attention of LA drivers. In New York City, our billboard greeted drivers as they venture into the Lincoln Tunnel.

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